Saturday, September 30, 2017

Get Girls To Close You - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Most guys follow the often repeated, "Make the ho say no" strategy. This is the absolute worst strategy because it creates a ton of memories of girls saying NO. Who the heck wants that in their brain? Instead, consider the counter-intuitive, "leave on a high note" strategy.

All Girls Want You | Mind Persuasion

Cold approaching is a way to build massive confidence, but only if you do it right. And most guys get it wrong. Totally wrong. One small shift will change everything, and build up massive confidence with females.

Become A Chooser of Women | Mind Persuasion Archives

It's obvious that if you are too available in the beginnings of a relationship, you'll kill any chance of love. But how do you do that when she's all you can think of? By creating a life is worth living but important aside from any girl lucky enough to be in it.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Get Girls To Chase You - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

To become most attractive to many females, you must be an driven man that cannot be tamed. Many men are driven, until they are "caught" by a lady who domesticates them. If you want to keep the attraction on high, don't let yourself be tamed. Ever.

How To Create Abundance | Mind Persuasion

Most people spout ideas of abundance without getting into details. The idea is that if you have an abundance mindset, everything will be easy. But how, EXACTLY do you develop this abundance mindset? It's pretty easy. Read the linked article to find out how.

How to Practice Game | Mind Persuasion Archives

Separate The Three Phases Of Game For The Most Success. It's easy to switch to a practice mindset when things go wrong. What's much more effective is starting in practice mindset, and staying in practice mindset. This goes with "observation" mindset and "game day" mindset. Understand where you are, and stay where you are, before you get involved.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

How To Synthesize Attraction - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Some synthetic things are dangerous. Others are pretty cool, like synthetic sounds you can make on your laptop. Those sound just as good as the real thing. Luckily, you don't have to lead a group of males on a hunting trip you give off authentic alpha energy. You can do that with the tools you already have.

How To Radiate Attractive Energy | Mind Persuasion

Sometimes guys get angry because a girl flashes signals from across the room, but when he approaches he gets shot down. What's really going on is you look attractive to her when you are across the room, but the closer you get (and the more nervous you get) the less attractive you become. The trick is to maintain the same outer energy no matter what you're doing.

Get Women To Follow You | Mind Persuasion Archives

Once a girl decides she doesn't like you, there's not much you can do to change her mind. The best defense is a good offense, and making yourself as attractive as possible to as many people as possible. If you're a male, this means having worthy life goals that you are chasing, and will continue to chase no matter what.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Become A Hunter - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

As long as you are a hunter, you will be attractive. What do you hunt? Success, wealth, your empire, whatever it is. Start hunting and never stop.

How To Keep A Girl Interested | Mind Persuasion

Most girls like guys they can't get. Then they get the guy, and domesticate them, and then lose interest. Nobody plans this to happen, it just happens. To avoid this, don't ever let yourself become complacent. Always keep your edge.

Learn Her Triggers of Desire | Mind Persuasion Archives

All biological entities, including complicated humans, follow rules. If you learn the rules of operation, you can affect the behaviors you want. If you want to create a desire in a girl, for example, all you have to do is interact with her and learn how.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Make Women Chase You - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

The easiest way to make girls want to chase you is to live a life worth living. Pursue your dreams, and girls will pursue you.

Get Girls Competing For You | Mind Persuasion

Getting girls that have high interest in you is a two way street. On the one hand, you've got to be able to filter out low interest girls (or guys) and only focus on high probability prospects. On the other hand, you've got to continuously build up your inner value so more and more people will find YOU high quality.

Develop Non Verbal Attraction | Mind Persuasion Archives

When it comes to creating attraction, the words are only the icing on the cake. It's much better to have a fantastic cake with no icing that a bunch of icing lumped onto a crappy cake. You can build up your strong inner game (your cake) with small daily activities. The goal is to get to a point where any words will do.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Hit and Run Seduction - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Most guys have heard of the "make the ho say no" strategy, where you push and push until she actually says 'No." A much better technique might be to bounce just when her attraction is building. This will leave a string of happy memories, which will not only build self confidence, but you'll soon be surrounded by the girls who wanted you enough to chase you down.

Secret Social Proof | Mind Persuasion

Everybody knows that social proof makes everything look better. But here's a very valuable linguistic technique that will imply you have TONS of social proof, even if you are all by your lonesome!

Chase Wealth and Women Will Chase You | Mind Persuasion Archives

If you chase women, you'll end up being like that dog that can't catch any rabbits no matter how many he chases. But if you chase money, girls will chase you. Of course, money isn't everything, but if you are primarily focused on building a life of lasting wealth, everything else will be easier.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Learn To Be Charismatic - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

People often misunderstand charisma is something you either have or don't have. Luckily, it is something you can build, just like the number of situps or pushups you can do. Start slow, do a little bit every day, and pretty soon you'll be as charming as Rasputin!

Get Her Begging For You | Mind Persuasion

If you start from scratch and play your cards right, you can effectively create a lot of attraction. If you take your time and build attraction, it's a lot less mysterious than people make it out to be. Just be careful!

Get Girls To Like You | Mind Persuasion Archives

It's much easier getting girls to like you than getting one single girl to like you. Getting a girl to like you is hard, especially if she already doesn't like you! But it's much easier to become more attractive to girls in general.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Approach Anxiety

Eliminate Approach Anxiety With Powerful Subliminal Programming Powerful sessions to eliminate approach anxiety completely. Slip on a pair of headphones and let the sounds do the rest. Become an unstoppable approach machine make your life magic.

Exercises for Secret Skills | Mind Persuasion Archives

Flexibility is an uber skill that can help pretty much any other skill. The more flexible you are with how you can be flexible, the better off you'll be. Being about to out think and out maneuver your opponents depends on how flexible of a thinker you are. Luckily, flexibility of thinking can be developed just like any other flexibility, like being able to touch your toes.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Seven Laws of Influence

The Seven Instinctive Triggers That Generate Unconscious Action and Desire. Easy breakdown of the seven laws of influence, and how to implement them in your conversations to become more persuasive and influential.

Have You Started Your Hero's Journey? - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

We love Hero's Journey stories because most of the time, the hero is more or less forced to go on his or her journey. But if we are waiting for somebody or something to force us on our own journey, we may be waiting a while. Get started today, and be the one who sets your hero's journey off.   We use a lot of metaphors in our language. In fact, it is pretty hard to NOT use metaphors. For example, in that sentence up there, the ...

Six Pack Self Confidence | Mind Persuasion

Building Huge Self Confidence Is Just as Easy as Getting a Six Pack Self confidence isn't a result of a mind shift or a different way of understanding things. It's built like a six pack or physical endurance. Daily practice which adds up to magnificent results.

Ditch Self Deception | Mind Persuasion Archives

How To Eliminate Hallucinations, Both Positive and Negative. Self deception works both ways. It keeps us from seeing things that are really there and it tricks us into seeing things that aren't there. Recalibrate your model of the world for best results.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Consistent Comfort Zone Expansion - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Most folks subscribe, or at leas they claim to, the "Go Big Or Go Home" strategy. But if you small steps every day to consistently expand your comfort zone, you'll never need to worry about "going big" since you'll be "getting bigger" each and every day.

Inner Game Ideas | Mind Persuasion

Outer Game Flows Naturally From Inner Game Most folks are too worried about outer game. But if you work on your inner game, your outer game will take care of itself. With enough inner game, outer game is irrelevant.

No Bananas | Mind Persuasion Archives

We Don't See What Our Brains Won't Let Us. Most people wait for proof before they believe something. But our cognitive bias work in the opposite direction. It won't show us anything we don't believe.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

How To Become A Mind Reader - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

If you get out of your own head, accurately predicting what other people are thinking is pretty easy, since most of us think pretty common thoughts in common situations.

Social Conditioning Skills | Mind Persuasion

The Most Important Skill To Continuously Develop is Social Confidence. Everybody knows that if you want to get stronger, you've got to practice strength training. Luckily, the same thing works for social confidence. The more you practice, the more confident you'll become.

How To Stand Out | Mind Persuasion Archives

Standing Out From The Crowd Means Doing What Most People Can't Do. Most people are terrified of being first. Which means all you need to do is go first and you'll do what they can't.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Beware Your Comfort Zone - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

The most dangerous thing in your life is not the scariest thing but the most comfortable and familiar thing. Because the longer you stay safely inside, the harder it will be to leave.

Expand Your Social Universe | Mind Persuasion

One way to see more opportunities around you is to simply de-hypnotize yourself. Since the amount of stuff we can see consciously is a small fraction of what's available, a small internal mental shift is all you need to change your entire world.

The Invisible Hand | Mind Persuasion Archives

The "Invisible Hand" is a metaphor from old school economic thought, but you can equally apply it to your social life for amazing benefits.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Subliminal Messages

Truth about Subliminal Messages, How They Work, And How To Leverage Them For Belief and Behavioral Change. Subliminal messages are very powerful, and leveraging them for positive change is much easier than think.

Prepare For Alien Invasions | Mind Persuasion Archives

If society ended tomorrow, you'd have the stuff you could trade, and the stuff you coul do. Most folks don't have much to trade, but we can all build up our skills of what we can do, especially when those skills involve how we interact with others. Your social skills are your most important asset. You can practice them any time, and they can serve you in every part of life.

How To Kill Fear | Mind Persuasion

Getting rid of fear means rearranging the ideas in your brain, which is pretty easy. Most of our fears are based on how we think about things. And if you re-arrange how you think about things, they won't be scary anymore.

Raw Mental Material - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Most people avoid talking to new people because they don't think they have anything to talk about. But what happens when you see new people as the BEST source for finding out things to talk about? The best part is you know need to talk about anything. Just ask questions, listen to their story, and you'll collect tons of stories to talk about. That reminds me of a guy I met once....

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Obliterate All Resistance | Mind Persuasion Archives

How To Easily Remove All Resistance From Life. If you try and go through, it's hard. If you try to go around, it can be easier. But the easiest way to get around obstacles and resistance is to plan ahead so you don't see them in the first place.

How To Become Master Of The Universe | Mind Persuasion

Easily change your mindset and dominate the planet. How do you do this? Slowly alter your map of reality until you are operating at peak efficiency. Then you'll see things you didn't see before, and leverage opportunities you didn't notice before.

How To Make Yourself Go Viral - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

You can be a viral hit socially if you speak to people in the right way. All it takes is one slight shift, from inside to outside.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Destroy Fear of Rejection | Mind Persuasion

How to you avoid getting rejected? Approach people with the mindset that says it's impossible to happen. When you cultivate the mindset of simply being interested in others, rejection is impossible since there's nothing to reject. Curiously it's this interest in others that will make them want you more than ever, putting you in a pretty good position.

Share Your Gifts With Others - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Most people wait around for people to come up to them and get the ball rolling. They wrongly believe that since they don't have much to share, they expect others to do all the work. But all you need is a keen interest in others, and you can easily be the most interesting person they've ever met.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Reset Your Social Filters - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

We all have unconscious filters. These are helpful in that it cuts down on thinking time. But sometimes these filters can be re-calibrated, allowing us to see much more opportunities than we thought were there before.

How To Hypnotize People

Step By Step Instructions To Hypnotize Your Friends - Fantastic Party Tricks Learn some simple techniques to hypnotize people. Direct hypnosis, count them down from ten into a deep trance where you can fill their mind with new ideas and beliefs. Pacing and leading hypnosis, where you can talk them into a comfortable trance where the mind is open. Covert hypnosis, where you can cleverly sneak your way into their brain for fun and everything else you want to do in there while nobody's looking. Use responsibly!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Sex Transmutation

Convert Your Raw Sexual Energy Into Unstoppable Motivation and Unlimited Prosperity What is the mysterious idea of sex transmutation? It doesn't need to be overly metaphysical or even spiritual. In combing some simple ideas from NLP, goal setting, and motivation, you can transform your unlimited sexual energy, a powerful biological driving force, into massive motivation and determination to achieve any goal.

Multiply Social Creativity - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Most of us think of our comfort zone of limiting what we are comfortable doing. But another, and much more insidious confining element of our comfort zone is in keeping us constrained in what we can imagine doing. But if you only expand your comfort zone just a little bit, then the amount of your social creativity will skyrocket.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

How To Make A Positive Impression | Mind Persuasion Archives

First Impressions are Very Important. Luckily, It's Very Easy To Control The Impressions We Send. Making a first impression is important. Everybody knows that. But it's easy to learn how to project an image of a confident, relaxed and open person. That, you'll be the one they one they want to get to know.