Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Time Traveling Donuts - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Going Back In Time Can Ruin Reality - Or You Can Make It Rain Donuts Post hypnotic suggestions are one of the reasons people love watching a skilled stage hypnotist. But you can easily drop in post hypnotic suggestions in your conversations by cleverly using hypnosis in a way nobody will notice. Until they start obeying your post hypnotic suggestions.

Show Them Their Hidden Hero | Mind Persuasion

Everybody Loves A Hero - So Why Not Be One? We all love super heroes, especially if they follow the mythical hero's journey. Most people think this can only come in well written books, movies and TV shows. But you can deliver the same story structure within every conversation you have.

The Cake and Ice Cream Strategy | Mind Persuasion Archives

How To Make Your Ideas As Attractive As Ice Cream To Kids If you give a bunch of kids some ice cream and cake, they won't be able to resist it. If you deliver your stories to people in a certain way, they won't be able to resist them either.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Four Essential Skills From NLP

These Are The Four Essential Skills from NLP You'll Ever Need If You Want To Be Insanely Persuasive and Seductive NLP is filled with mythology and a lot of metaphysical hoey. In reality, if you want to use NLP for any kind of persuasive communication, then there are really only four skills you need to know. And those four skills take a few minutes to learn, but a lifetime to practice.

Resonate Their Minds - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

How To Deliver Deep Truths About The Human Spirit Most of the most important lessons of life are very simple. But they aren't taken seriously when they are tossed around. One way is to present them in a story. But you're at a party, you can't really jump into a conversation with, "Once upon a time..." but you can have a character in your story (which could be another character inside that story) tell the truth. And it will have a profound impact on your listeners, both the ones inside the story and the ones listening to your story about the story. And everybody else as well.

Middle Mind Bombs | Mind Persuasion

How To Spin Mind Bending Tales Of Deep Wisdom Truth about the human condition is powerful in its simplicity. You don't need to have tons of degrees or massive authority or social proof to make an impact. All you need are your standard, everyday storytelling skills.

Stop Clucking Like A Chicken | Mind Persuasion Archives

The Most Powerful Kind Of Hypnosis Is The Kind You Never Notice Most people who want to learn hypnosis are intending to put people INTO trances, to make more money or have more sex or have more fun. But consider it might be much easier to take yourself OUT of hypnosis to get those very same things (one at a time or all at once...). Once you are OUT of hypnosis, it's much easier to put people INTO hypnosis.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Let Them Find Pirate Treasure - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

How To Give Them Advice So They'll Take It If you want somebody to take your advice, the last thing you want to do is give it to them directly. You've got to deliver it like an Easter egg, and get them to find it on their own. That way it won't be your advice, it will be their discover. This, of course, implies you have worthy advice to give, which is another story altogether.

Maximize Collective Genius | Mind Persuasion

Why We All Hate To Get Advice Whenever you give somebody else unasked for advice, it is another way of saying, "My way of doing whatever it is you are doing is better than your way of doing whatever it is you're doing." Nobody likes to be told they are "doing it wrong." Instead, give them the gift of discovering your wisdom on their own.

Lead Them on Epic Journeys | Mind Persuasion Archives

Straight Up Advice Rarely Works - Here's A Better Way If you can lead people on epic adventure, they'll love every second of it. If you take wrap any idea inside that adventure, they'll not only believe it, but they'll think of it as their own discovery and will defend it with their lives. This is a fantastic way to deliver propaganda, or take over a country.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Instinct Mismatch Theory

A Purely Biological and Scientific Approach To Understand, Manage and Leverage Your Instincts To Live The Best Life Possible. All the source of pain or pleasure can be found in our instincts, and what can best be described as instinct mismatch. Understand this and you'll win the game of life.

Weaponized Hypnosis

Deadly Linguistic Self Defense - Powerful Language Patterns and Hypnotic Nested Loops To Obliterate The Mental State of Your Enemies Deadly Linguistic Skills To Defend Your Most Private of Properties

Generate A-List Actor Charisma - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

How To Develop Spellbinding and Mesmerizing Interpersonal Charisma By nesting simple stories with common emotions, you can develop those emotions very powerfully in others, and they will associate those emotions with you. The plainer the stories the better, so long as you loop them the right way.

Escape The Rigid Hierarchy | Mind Persuasion

The Easy Way To Implant Powerful Emotions In Their Mind You can base any persuasion on the "numbers game" where you talk to enough girls or enough leads until you get a lay or a sale. Or you can take your time building in the right emotions, and have much more success.

Covert Emotional Implanting | Mind Persuasion Archives

How To Leverage Their Pre-Existing Emotions Emotions are an extremely important part of human communication. Unfortunately, most people avoid them like crazy. But if you can not only learn to embrace them, but learn to manage them in yourself and in others, you can be an extraordinarily powerful communicator and persuader.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Mind Control Techniques They'll Love - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

If you want to test how somebody is feeling about you or your product, all you've got to do is use the quotes pattern. But if you want to take a lot of thoughts and carefully slip them into their mind so they think your ideas are theirs and not yours, then using the quotes pattern wrapped up in a nested loop pattern wrapped up in some once-up-a-time ideas that their last story reminded you of. Wait, what?   Once I had this job where we had these really goofy meetings. I didn't mind very much, but my coworker hated it. Thing was, he acted lik...

How To Engineer Social Authority | Mind Persuasion

Step By Step Ways To Become The Most Famous Person At Any Party If you want to get social credibility, one way is to tell amazing stories about amazing experiences. Or you could take some normal stories and wrap them in amazing structures that will turn their brains into pretzels.

The Orgasm Language Pattern | Mind Persuasion Archives

How To Hide Any Blatant Idea In Plain Sight If you don't care who gets credit, you can get some amazing things accomplished. And if you can turn off your own ego for a few seconds, and wrap your ideas inside of a couple of stories, you can get them thinking that any idea was their idea. And just sit back and let them take the credit for doing what you wanted them to do anyway.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Why Money Is So Difficult

Our Ideas About Money Are Closely Related To Our Ego Instincts - Here You'll Learn How To Master Them. Getting better at getting money is the uber skill. Luckily this is made up of a lot of smaller skills, that when put together, can add up to money skills.

The Hidden Broccoli Strategy - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

How To Wrap Ideas Inside Other Ideas If you want somebody to do something, you can ask them directly, or wrap the suggestion deeply inside a compelling story so they can discover it their own way and make it theirs.

Allow Them To Discover You | Mind Persuasion

Step By Step Method For Them To Discover Your Ideas If you want somebody to take action, you can persuade them a few ways. By force, by making some kind of a trade, or by wrapping your idea so deeply inside several compelling ideas that they can't help but discover it on their own and make it theirs.

How To Become a Jedi Master | Mind Persuasion Archives

Wizard Are Always The Source of Wisdom - Why Not Make It Yours You can give somebody advice, which they probably won't take. Or you can wrap your advice deeply inside of a story and have it delivered by a powerful wizard or a Jedi master. Anything is possible if you're not worried about who gets credit.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Law of Attraction

Boost the Law of Attraction With Conscious Training and Unconscious Programming What is the Law of Attraction? It's either a nice imagination about the future or a step by step system based on scientific principles. Lucky, once you learn it, make it part of your unconscious competence, it will seem like magic, to you and to others.

Sex Transmutation

Convert Your Raw Sexual Energy Into Unstoppable Motivation and Unlimited Prosperity How can you take your unlimited sexual energy and translate it into unlimited energy and motivation? It's based on using something as simple as anchoring and focus.

Alpha Female

Jettison Doubt, Skyrocket Self Confidence and Self Esteem and Attract The Man Of Your Dreams What makes a woman "alpha"? It's not what you think. Transform your mindset from the inside out and take your love and professional lives to another level of success.

Cult Leader

Develop The Irresistibly Personal Magnetism of the Greatest Cult Leaders From All Time Being a good leader requires the same skill set regardless of who you are leading or where you are leading them. Why not swing for the fences?

How To Move Their Emotions - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Metaphorical Descriptions Of Intangible Nouns Are Particularly Enlightening If a movie "moves your emotions," how and what, exactly is being moved? Understanding the metaphorical structure of our common, everyday experiences can help you be a much better storyteller, so you can move your listeners or readers from wherever they are, to wherever you want them to be.

The Wall St. Journal Pattern | Mind Persuasion

Two Guys - One Rich - One Not - Which One Are You? Stories move minds. Stories move products. Stories move emotions. Stories are everywhere, so if you can master the art of storytelling you will be able to master everything.

Mesmerize The Entire Room | Mind Persuasion Archives

Inside Secrets To Massive Charisma There are two ways to be charismatic. One is to forget about yourself, and become supremely interested in the person you are speaking to. The other is to speak in a special kind of structure language that will take them on an inner journey of their mind and yours.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Dislocated Finger Pattern - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

How To Trick People Into Liking You If you trick somebody to gain an advantage, they'll hate you and become your enemy. But if you trick them into getting something good that they otherwise wouldn't have gotten, they'll think you're pretty cool.

Raining Buckets In Their Brain | Mind Persuasion

Nobody Knows What Anybody Means Unless It's Obvious Some common English phrases have been around for so long we know what they mean, but at the same time they don't make any sense. Understanding how language and our brains work together can help you do some funny things. Which is like having your brain, their brain, and language all on the same team.

The Gift Of Interpreting You | Mind Persuasion Archives

Too Much Detail Can Be Too Boring We all love those phrases that make us think. Conversely, if your language is filled with precision, you'll need to use that precision to create a larger idea that will make them think. This presents a problem if all your friends have short attention spans. In that case, you can use hypnosis to make them think you've turned into a talking cheeseburger or something equally silly.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Don't Be A Tangerine - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Vagueness Can Be A Powerful Tool Of Persuasion If you are so clear that everybody knows exactly what you are talking about, they'll lose interest if they aren't already interested. Which may be fine if you are giving a speech, but if your collecting souls or hearts on a street corner, you might need a different strategy.

The Harpo Marx Pattern | Mind Persuasion

The Handshake Interrupt Taken To An Absurdly Funny Level There's the handshake interrupt, there's the Harpo Marx handshake interrupt, then there is the brain interrupt. And interrupting brains can be pretty annoying, especially if you're trying to have a serious conversation and a bunch of brains come flying in out of nowhere and pester you.

Disengage Their Brains | Mind Persuasion Archives

If You Take Out Their Brain - Be Sure To Put Them Back Punctuation ambiguities are fun, but only if you can use them in the middle of a sentence structure is something that even advanced grammarians sometimes confusing stories lead to surprising endings, and surprising endings is not a good idea, especially if they are sleeping with a gun under their pillow. Then you might get shot. Wait, what?

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Easy Persuasion Techniques

The Easiest Way To Get Anybody To Do Anything For Their Own Reason and Love You For It Super Simple - Just do the opposite of what most people do. First build up their desire, THEN attach that raw, unfulfilled desire, to whatever they want and they'll do it for their own reasons.

Never Feel On The Spot Again - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

If you think you've got good content, there will always be somebody with better content. For example, you could be at a party impressing all the cool kids with your tales of camping in the Klondike. But then some goof comes up and starts talking about how he went camping on the moon. Then what? But if you learn structure, you'll never have to worry about content again...

The Popcorn and Coke Pattern | Mind Persuasion

How To Have Fun With Confusing Minds Sometimes we make grammatical errors by accidents. Then somebody points them and everybody laughs. But if you can make them on purpose, and keep talking, pretty soon you'll be the only one standing, because all of the brains of your friends will have left the building.

Confusing Brains and Tall Flowers | Mind Persuasion Archives

Silly Words and Confusing Minds Carefully placed ambiguity can be a lot of fun. In fact, all humor is based on purposely placed ambiguity. For example: "He went to the hospital!" "The hospital! What is it?" "A big white building with sick people..." There are plenty of clever ways to use ambiguity to trance out your friends for fun and profit.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Myths of NLP

What Is NLP? Does It Really Exist? The Surprising Truth Will Encourage You In Unexpected Ways Most people have a vague idea of what NLP is exactly, even those who have paid tons of money to learn it. In reality, it is quite simple, yet very powerful. So why does nobody really know HOW to use NLP outside of the seminar room? The answer is very simple and very encouraging, especially if you want to become a persuasion powerhouse but have very little money to invest. Click the link to read more.

How To Break Their Model of Reality - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

When Things Are Happening Different Things At Different Speeds You can have a lot of fun with people's brains if you know how to put your words in there in the right order. Speaking of order, I was watching a physics lecture the other night and the waitress came over to take my order. Now what was I talking about...

Word Juggling Tricks | Mind Persuasion

Last Night I Saw An Elephant In My Pajamas - How He Got Into My Pajamas I'll Never Know Covert hypnosis and jokes are all based on ambiguity to some degree. Understanding exactly how and when to place your ambiguity with scientific precision can be the difference between uproarious laughter and, "dude, what?"

Singing Clowns and Zombie Moths | Mind Persuasion Archives

Why Timing Is Everything When we deliver our words are just as important as what the actual words are. This is important in telling jokes, asking questions and even seducing sexy strangers. It's also a useful thing to keep in mind when you are hypnotizing people on the sly.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Start Building Your Future - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

If you didn't have your brain, you wouldn't know what to do. Yet it sits there, between your ears, without ever being used nearly to its capacity. Luckily, there is a way to kick it up a notch.

Embrace The Rabbit Hole | Mind Persuasion

Why You Should Never Be Satisfied Uncertainty will always exist. And without it, life wouldn't even be life, it would be automatic certainty every single time. Luckily, we have randomness to keep us interested. Two interesting facets of never ending randomness and uncertainty are that we never know anything completely, and we can continue to learn indefinitely, since the body of knowledge will continue to increase, forever and ever and ever and ever and ever.

How To Develop Secret Word Power | Mind Persuasion Archives

The Undiscovered Power of Words If you put your words together in random order, all your friends will think you've gone bonkers. Most of us spit out words without much thought. But if you put your words together carefully, you can put some crazy ideas into people's heads, and get them to do some crazy things.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Cleaner Strategy - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

If you only stick with what is easy and comfortable, you will be stuck when unexpected things come your way. Luckily, there are some easy exercises that will make what is complicated to others very easy and simple to you.

Compartmentalized Efficiency | Mind Persuasion

Efficiency When Used Effectively Can Come In Very Handy You are naturally efficient in many areas. We always try to make less trips when cleaning up, for example. But there are some clever ways to use efficiency so it will give you an incredible mental advantage.

Re-Awaken This Ancient Process | Mind Persuasion Archives

Leverage The Power of Life Long Learning Most people have the mistaken belief that learning ends when school ends. Luckily, that's impossible. Humans have been learning long before schools were ever invented. In fact, one might find plenty of evidence to support the crazy idea that schools are the biggest obstacle to learning. Now that is just silly!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Self Hypnosis

Step By Step Guide To Self Hypnosis For Changing Beliefs, Developing Skills, or Improving Memory Self hypnosis is easily the most powerful tool to affect personal change. Easy to learn, easy to do, and best of all, it's absolutely free. Click the link to learn more. Comments appreciated!