Thursday, November 30, 2017

Get The Best Of Both Seduction Worlds - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

All Game Is Reverse Engineered Behavior Of Naturals If you want to develop deep natural levels of seductive powers, you need to practice the right thing. Practicing surface structure techniques will only get you so far.

Fly Under Her Radar | Mind Persuasion

How You Talk About Girls Reveal How You Feel About The Process There is tons of truth hidden in between the words and sentences we use to describe what we want. But if we use our words correctly, they will incite the very emotions in others that we seek.

Are You Making This HUGE Mistake? | Mind Persuasion Archives

Are You Treating Girls Like Your Mom? Many guys try and impress girls. What's worse, is they do things that they think are universally "good" and will get them some kind of "reward." Unfortunately, that only works with your mom or your second grade teacher.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Make Her Come To You - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

How To Tell Her Stories That Will Make Her Want More If you are overt, you can get away if you've got a lot of others things going on. But if you tell her stories in the right way that contain the right emotions that she can resonate with, she'll experience something no other guy can give her.

Proper Use Of The Quotes Pattern | Mind Persuasion

She Told Me You Can Use The Quotes Pattern To Drive Girls Crazy The quotes pattern is a neat trick, and only a trick if you use it on its own. But if you take the same structure, and spread it out over a few stories, it can be incredibly effective.

Make Girls Want To Meet You | Mind Persuasion Archives

If You Wait Until You See A Cute Girl - It's Too Late If you want to be more attractive to females, the time to start building up your attractiveness is now, not when you see her.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

She'll Think of Her Own Reasons - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

You Can Get Anybody To Do Anything So Long As It's Their Idea If you walk up and start running game on any girl, she'll know what you are up to. Even if it works, she's always going to perceive it as your idea, which means she'll always expect you to do the work of keeping it going. Consider doing the opposite. Of convincing her it's really her idea to get interested in you.

Get Her To Follow You Anywhere | Mind Persuasion

Most Guys Do All The Work From The Beginning - This Sets A Bad Precedent Short term strategies are never good for long term results. If you talk to a girl like all the other guys talk to her, she won't help but to put you in the same category in her mind as all the other guys. That means you'll always have competition. Unless you use the Monty Python Technique.

How To Properly Set The Hook | Mind Persuasion Archives

The Best Romantic Events Are Those That Happen Spontaneously It's very hard for humans to be congruent when we've got ulterior motives. So if you are running any kind of conscious game, she's going to know what you're after. That's if you want short term fun, but what if you want something longer?

Monday, November 27, 2017

Sneak Your Way Into Her Mind - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

I'm Not Going To Explain How Easy It Is To Seduce Nearly Anybody If you tell somebody what you are not going to do and then do it anyway it might work a lot better than telling them exactly what you are going to do but not do it very well, especially if that what you are doing is something that should be left unsaid anyway. After all, when writing fiction, it's better to show and not tell. And stories are a great way to anybody's heart.

Chocolate Filled Love Cake | Mind Persuasion

Many Guys Try To Create Attraction Like Monkeys Typing Shakespeare If you try haphazardly and randomly, you'll get haphazard and random results. But even haphazard guesses will be right once in a while. But what if there were a much more effective way to get a girl interested in you, and it didn't require any haphazard randomness? It's really not that different from baking a cake.

Stop Trying To Push Her Buttons | Mind Persuasion Archives

The End Goal Of All Romance Is The Right Emotions In The Right Order Getting a woman to feel the right emotions in the right order has the holy grail men have been seeking since the dawn of time. But what if it were much easier than you suspected? What if you could move her emotions anywhere you wanted simply by telling her the right stories?

Sunday, November 26, 2017

How To Guarantee Her Attraction - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

If you take any time trying to think of what to say, you are not being congruent, you are not being authentic, you are not being yourself. Which means there is only a small chance anything will ever work. Instead, do the opposite, walk up and start talking about having any idea of what words are coming next.

How To Drive Girls Crazy | Mind Persuasion

Sexy Stories For Guys Are Different Than For Girls If you want to turn a guy on, show him some porn. But what about girls? Luckily, there is a way that works just as well, but it doesn't require showing her any pictures of your miniature wingman.

Haphazard Seduction Patterns | Mind Persuasion Archives

With Randomly Chosen Strategies You Get Random Results The whole purpose of dating somebody is to hopefully create emotions that will lead to a mutually satisfying romantic relationship. Why not just cut to the chase and accelerate the process?

Saturday, November 25, 2017

How To Feel Sexual Abundance - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Most Guys Operate From A Mathematically Backed Scarcity Mindset If you approach a hundred girls, you'll get rejected by most of them. This means you'll be building up an experience that says, "most girls reject me." This is not a good idea! Luckily, there is a much easier way.

How To Turn Off Approach Anxiety | Mind Persuasion

With The Mind Of A Hopeful Please, Rejection Hides Behind Every Smile Approach anxiety stems from thinking about walking up, trying to impress her, and not succeeding. But what happens if you walk and qualify her instead? Ask her a few questions to see if she qualifies to pass YOUR tests?

How To Make Women Try To Impress You | Mind Persuasion Archives

IF You Try To Impress Women, You'll Nearly Always Fail Most guys hope to impress a girl. Which means the girls gets to sit back and let all the guys in the place try to impress her, and just pick the best one. Until you come walking up and do something different. That one thing that will make her desperate to impress you.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Rediscover Your Inner Hunter - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

You Can Beat The Race But You Can't Beat The Races If you wanted to get one woman, and one woman only, you would have difficulties if that ONE woman happened to have already decided she wants nothing to do with you. But if you wanted to conquer WOMEN? The concept of getting really good with WOMEN is usually much, much easier than any one woman.

Essential Variable Of Successful Seduction | Mind Persuasion

The Words You Say Are Only Icing On The Cake If you wanted to bake a delicious cake, the icing would be the last thing on your mind. But when it comes to talking to attractive girls, most guys focus only on the metaphorical icing (the words they say) and not the deep energy (the cake) that makes up their inner game.

Rid Yourself of Approach Anxiety | Mind Persuasion Archives

Secrets Of A Perfect First Impression First impressions are hard to shake, especially with important people. So when you walk all the way across the room to talk to that cute girl, it's natural to get nervous. But it's also just as natural for her to not think much of you is your most important goal is to impress her.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

The Myth Of Pick Up Lines - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Why Men Love The Idea Of Pick Up Lines And Why They'll Never Work Human communication is 7% verbal, 93% non verbal. So why the heck do so many men neglect that 93% and focus on the 7%? Because it keeps them from focusing on the real issue, which is fear and insecurity. Get rid of that, and any words will work fine.

Become The Naturally Attractive Man | Mind Persuasion

There Is One Trait That Women Crave Above All Others If you like yourself, feel comfortable in your own skin, AND you have faith in your ability to handle any situation that comes up, you'll not only never feel anxiety again, but you will be incredibly attractive to many women.

How To Ditch Scarcity For Good | Mind Persuasion Archives

The Source Of All Dating Problems For Men Is Fear When you are afraid, it's very hard not to be operating from a scarcity mindset. What makes this even worse is most guys are terrified of admitting they are scared, even to themselves. But if you vanish the fear, you will vanish every other issue with dating.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

How To Vaporize Insults - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Most Of Our Thoughts (And The Words We Express Them With) Are Very Poorly Thought Out Most people have no idea what to say to an insult. Since it's an attack, we feel an instinctive need to hit back. But there is a much more powerful and effective to absolutely deflate the insult. And it will make the insulter never, ever, want to insult you ever again.

How To Radiate Black Belt Linguistic Energy | Mind Persuasion

Most People Learn Martial Arts Hoping They'll Never Need Them There are many things we keep around just in case. First aid kit in the trunk. Bug out bag in the closet. Hidden candy at work in case we get stuck late. But some of the most powerful emergency set of skills you can develop are how you use your words defensively to stop any boundary invasion cold.

How To Lower The Boom | Mind Persuasion Archives

It's Very Easy To Be Assertive - And Very Surprising Most of us dread expressing what we need to say. But there are good ways, and bad ways. Good ways are easy, and surprisingly they allow the other person the most freedom to respond.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Increase Your Luckiness - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Increase Your Luckiness Luck Is Something That Is Not Nearly As Random As We Think Unless you are on an Easter egg hunt or scratching off lotto tickets, you can improve how lucky you get. Most luck involves how you behave around others, and how others perceive you, and this is something that is absolutely in your control.

Flip Your Polarity | Mind Persuasion

Sometimes We Make Happen The Last Thing We Want To Happen You can run but you can't hide from the law of unintended consequences. And when it comes to our behavior, the very thing we do to avoid the thing we fear worst is the thing that actually causes it to happen. Find out how to stop doing this.

How To Become Unshakeable | Mind Persuasion Archives

Your Strength Of Frame Is Much More Than Your Imagination If you want to build up your muscles it will take time and persistence. By doing the right exercises you'll slowly build up whatever muscle you want. If you want a rock solid frame it take just as much time and patience. And you need to be doing the right exercises.

Monday, November 20, 2017

What Is Your Biggest Fear? - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Unless You Are Scared Of Tigers Or Falling, It Ain't True Most of our fears are based on social situations. To make it even more difficult, our ancient brains are operating on a "better safe than sorry" response system. Luckily, you can dismantle this ancient warning system from the inside out.

Powerful One Two Charismatic Punch | Mind Persuasion

Why The Words You Say Are The Least Important Part If you have a strong frame, anything you say will work, regardless of your outcome. If you have a weak frame, nothing you say will work, regardless of your outcome.

How To Easily Redefine Yourself | Mind Persuasion Archives

How To Realize The False Fear Of Rejection Most of our fears are false, but knowing this won't do squat. In order for this overused statement to do anything, we've got to experience it. Slowly at first, and then let the world have it.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Learn The Meta Skill - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

How You Feel About Yourself Is Not Static, And Can Be Adjusted Everything can be thought of as a skill. Crucially, our self image is something that only seems to be set, or worse, dependent on how others treat us. But with practice you can practice feeling any way about yourself that you want.

Ninja Language Patterns | Mind Persuasion

How To Blast Any Hidden Insults That Come Your Way One of our greatest skills is speaking without saying anything. Or not saying anything directly but leaving it up for interpretation. Luckily, there are some powerful language to obliterate even the sneakiest attacks.

What Is The Meaning Of You? | Mind Persuasion Archives

You Can Define Yourself Or You Can Let Others Do It For You We define ourselves by how we act, what do we, and how we think. But since we are social creatures, the most important way we define ourselves is how we present ourselves to others.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Wealth Tuning

Insights, Exercises and Powerful Subliminal Programming To Re-Calibrate Your Mind To A Non Stop Wealth Generating Machine A wealth mindset requires a lot more than a common desire for money. But once you develop a wealth mindset, creating wealth becomes second nature.

Two Essential Rules of Influence - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

How To Get Anybody To Think It Was Their Idea You can convince anybody to do anything, so long as it satisfies their desires, and it was their idea. This is surprisingly easy to do so long as you ask the right questions in the right order.

How To Really Really Like Yourself | Mind Persuasion

If You Like Yourself, Everybody Else Will Too If you don't like yourself, everybody will know, especially evil people who want to take advantage of you. Since the best defense is a good offense, there are some simple skills you can learn to keep those evil people terrified of coming near you.

Develop An Unbreakable Shield | Mind Persuasion Archives

People Take Advantage Of You Because You Allow Them To If you want people to stop invading your boundaries, all you've got to do is defend them. Of course, this is much easier said than done, but you'd be surprised what a few carefully placed words can keep them never wanting to cross your boundaries again.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Which is Better, Tigers or Money? - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

How To Easily Get People To Do What You Want For Their Reasons All human decisions have a tipping point when choosing one thing is easier than choosing another. Sometimes this happens quickly, sometimes we need time to think. If you are helping others to decide, there is an extremely easy way to go about doing it.

How To Point Their Desire | Mind Persuasion

All Action Is Take When It Is Preferred To Inaction If you want to get somebody to do something, all you have to do is convince them that the action you are recommending is more advantageous to them than any other action. There are very easy ways to do this, and not so easy ways.

How To Make Their Desires Sticky | Mind Persuasion Archives

All Desires Can Be Made Sticky So They'll Stick To Anything Most people try to persuade others from the outside in, which takes a lot of work. But if you persuade somebody from the inside out (their inside out) you'll have a much better time sticking your actions to their desire-energy.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Playground Of The Mind - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Getting People To Speak Imaginatively Is Powerful If you talk to little kids, it's easy to get them talking in terms of fantasy-land ideas. But when you can get adults into this same mindset, you can sell them anything.

Hot Buttered Popcorn! | Mind Persuasion

The More Excitement You Can Create - The More Stuff You'll Sell If you get people really excited, they'll buy anything. Most people do this by BEING exciting, and trying to get the other person excited, from the outside in. The opposite is much easier, and works a lot better.

How To Leverage Ancient Human Desire | Mind Persuasion Archives

The Biggest Driver Of Human Invention Is Human Desire If you can figure out how to satisfy people's desires, you'll get paid. If you can build up their desires so big that anything will satisfy them, they'll buy anything you've got.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Scully-Mulder Reality Theory - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

Some Things Are Real - Some Aren't - But Some Are Both The more models of the world you can switch between, the more resourceful you'll be. Having only one model as your go-to model is pretty limiting. You can start by taking two extreme models, and see where they interact in the reality you are participating in.

How To Calibrate Your Energy | Mind Persuasion

Calibration Is An Often Used Buzz Word That Few Understand Being completely congruent means that when you speak, you believe yourself one hundred percent. Few people have this much congruence, as we are all conflicted on one level or another. The secret to true congruence is inner calibration of all of your selves.

Make Them Fall In Love With You | Mind Persuasion Archives

How You Say What You Say Is More Important If you want to create deep desire in whatever product or service you are selling or offering, you can sell the product, from the outside in, or you can build up their desire, from the inside out.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Guillotines and Back Seat Drivers - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

They say the "road is better than the inn," and we all nod our heads and agree. But at the same time we all try to achieve our goals as if they won't happen unless they happen in the next few seconds. Maybe there is some truth to that truism and we should may learn how to enjoy the ride.